AI supported supplier scouting solution by our partner Matchory includes 14M potential suppliers. We help you improve competition among suppliers. Significantly.
When you need our solution?
If you want to find a better Supplier
If you need a Supplier for a new purchasing needs
If you need additional Supplier
If you want to make sure you know the Supply market
Why choose our solution?
We offer comprehensive insights on the global supplier market that are not easily accessible through Google research.
Our solution delivers this information rapidly, saving you lot of time.
How does it work?
Looking for new Suppliers can be a challenging task, and traditional methods such as a Google search or attending trade shows may not be sufficient in today’s rapidly evolving Supply market.
Our solution offers unlimited access to suppliers from all geographical locations.
While companies internally may use Google for Supplier scouting, it’s not the ideal tool, as it generates irrelevant results and misses potential suppliers. Matchory tool uses machine learning algorithms to extract only relevant data for effective Supplier searches.
We also provide insights on which companies export to the USA.
Market Volatility
How are companies responding to the current volatile period?
Market Volatility
Some are expanding their supply base as a way to manage inflation in procurement
Some companies option to shift their focus to alternative suppliers in certain categories in response to material shortages. For instance, instead of relying on European suppliers, they may consider qualifying Far East suppliers.
Some companies are adopting a risk management strategy by diversifying their sourcing geographies and exploring alternative sourcing options.
Supplier competition
Supplier competition
Supplier competition
Measuring supplier competition by the number of potential suppliers rather than existing ones is accurate approach. This mindset fosters development and innovation.
To ensure an effective Tender among suppliers, it’s important to have a competitive environment with a large number of potential participants, rather than limiting the number of Suppliers.
At times, a company may come to the realisation that their primary procurement objective for a specific product group is to increase Supplier competition.
e-Sourcing software
AI Technology
Technology provided by our partner Mysupply streamlines the tendering and purchasing process by automating buying decisions.
AI Technology
Solution is delivered via advanced sourcing software and can improve your tendering results.
The Tender process is facilitated through automatic negotiations to streamline the purchasing contract conclusion.
Perfect for tactical sourcing.
How does it work?
Demand volume determination
Supplier invitation
Evaluation based on predefined criteria
Lot creation. Technology suggest the best combination
Automated Negotiation. Technology suggests the best negotiation strategy
What’s going on in the markets?
With the increasing price volatility in supply markets, prompt decision-making has become essential. Companies now prioritize quick planning of needs for shorter periods over the high accuracy of longer planning, and conduct sourcing events more frequently.
Tendering process still follows the same tendering rules as in the past before digitalization. However, with the help of automation, advanced analytics, and negotiation support, the process is now more efficient and effective than ever before.
Try before you buy.
This means that you have the opportunity to test our solutions for your specific category needs and see how they align with your procurement goals.